1. What is DATABASE?
Collection of interrelated data is called database.
Database is two types.
1. Database (On-line Transaction process database) :- running the business
2. DataWareHouse (On –Line Analytical Process Database):- Analyzing the business .
DBMS is a specification set of features.
Any software which implements specifications of DBMS is called DBMS software.
Ex: Sql Server, Oracle
Using DBMS software users can create and manage database.
DBMS Software
3.Different types of keys in RDBMS?
In the above table Vehicle no and Engine No is called as Candidate keys.
If we take one as primary key (vehicle no), other will automatically considered as Secondary key (Engine No).
A table may contain many candidate keys but only one primary key is present.
A primary key can be candidate key but a candidate key cannot be primary key.
4.What are the versions of Sql Server ?
Sql Server 6.5
Sql Server 7.0
Sql server 8.0(2000)
Sql Server 9.0(2005)
Sql Server 10.0(2008)
5.What are the default databases installed in the server?
Master: The Master database holds information for all databases located on the SQL Server instance and is the glue that holds the engine together. Because SQL Server cannot start without a functioning master database, you must administer this database with care.
Model:-The model is essentially a template database used in the creation of any new user database created in the instance.
MSDb:- The msdb database stores information regarding database backups, SQL Agent information, DTS packages, SQL Server jobs, and some replication information such as for log shipping.
TempDb:- The tempdb holds temporary objects such as global and local temporary tables and stored procedures.
Once the server is closed again Temporary database is again recreated freshly.
6.What is a Query?
Instruction, command, request given to perform some operations.
7.What are the types of Sub languages in SQL SERVER?
Depends on operations performed by user, SQL is categorized into following Sub languages
Data definition is also called Metadata
DDL Commands:
CREATE: To Create Data Definition
ALTER: To Modify Data Definition
DROP: - To Delete Data Definition
TRUNCATE: - Deletes all the data in the table. It makes table as Empty set.
Data definition can exist without data but data never exist without data definition.
DML Commands
INSERT:- To insert Data/Record
UPDATE:- To Modify data
DELETE: – To delete Record(s).
In Sql Server 2008 one more command is introduced.
MERGE: - It is Combination of insert & Update. It also called as UPSERT.
DRL Commands
SELECT:- It is used to retrieve data from database
TCL Commands
COMMIT:- To save Transactions
ROLLBACK:-To cancel transactions
DCL Commands
GRANT:- To give the permissions.
REVOKE:- To Take back the permissions
Collection of interrelated data is called database.
Database is two types.
1. Database (On-line Transaction process database) :- running the business
2. DataWareHouse (On –Line Analytical Process Database):- Analyzing the business .
- Databases are created to keep details about day-to-day transactions.
DBMS is a specification set of features.
Any software which implements specifications of DBMS is called DBMS software.
Ex: Sql Server, Oracle
Using DBMS software users can create and manage database.
DBMS Software
3.Different types of keys in RDBMS?
- Primary key:-
In the Below table Primary key is “Empid”
Empid | Salary | Name |
100 | 2000 | A |
101 | 5000 | B |
102 | 4000 | C |
- Composite key:-
Student ID(SID) | Course ID(CID) | Student name(SNAME) | Course name(CNAME) | Date of Completion(DOC) |
100 | 10 | A | C | 26/10 |
100 | 11 | A | C++ | 31/11 |
101 | 11 | B | C | 26/10 |
In the Above table SID, CID are called as Combination key
- Candidate key:-
Vehicle no | Engine no | Vehicle Type | Price |
AP09 2345 | 12345 | NANO | 1,00,000 |
AP09 9988
56789 | TAVERA | 3,25,000 |
AP12 7777 | 12567 | SUMO | 2,00,000 |
If we take one as primary key (vehicle no), other will automatically considered as Secondary key (Engine No).
A table may contain many candidate keys but only one primary key is present.
A primary key can be candidate key but a candidate key cannot be primary key.
- Foreign key:-
4.What are the versions of Sql Server ?
Sql Server 6.5
Sql Server 7.0
Sql server 8.0(2000)
Sql Server 9.0(2005)
Sql Server 10.0(2008)
5.What are the default databases installed in the server?
Master: The Master database holds information for all databases located on the SQL Server instance and is the glue that holds the engine together. Because SQL Server cannot start without a functioning master database, you must administer this database with care.
Model:-The model is essentially a template database used in the creation of any new user database created in the instance.
MSDb:- The msdb database stores information regarding database backups, SQL Agent information, DTS packages, SQL Server jobs, and some replication information such as for log shipping.
TempDb:- The tempdb holds temporary objects such as global and local temporary tables and stored procedures.
Once the server is closed again Temporary database is again recreated freshly.
6.What is a Query?
Instruction, command, request given to perform some operations.
7.What are the types of Sub languages in SQL SERVER?
Depends on operations performed by user, SQL is categorized into following Sub languages
- DDL( Data Definition language)
- DML(Data manipulation Language)
- DRL(Data Retrieval Language)
- TCL(Transaction Control language)
- DCL(Data Control Language)
Data definition is also called Metadata
DDL Commands:
CREATE: To Create Data Definition
ALTER: To Modify Data Definition
DROP: - To Delete Data Definition
TRUNCATE: - Deletes all the data in the table. It makes table as Empty set.
Data definition can exist without data but data never exist without data definition.
DML Commands
INSERT:- To insert Data/Record
UPDATE:- To Modify data
DELETE: – To delete Record(s).
In Sql Server 2008 one more command is introduced.
MERGE: - It is Combination of insert & Update. It also called as UPSERT.
DRL Commands
SELECT:- It is used to retrieve data from database
TCL Commands
COMMIT:- To save Transactions
ROLLBACK:-To cancel transactions
DCL Commands
GRANT:- To give the permissions.
REVOKE:- To Take back the permissions
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