Use this custom code when you perform division of 2 numbers. This is essential as when you to try to divide 2 numbers & if the denominator is 0, during run-time the textbox will show error. Below is the code that you can use for eliminating this :
Custom Code:
Public Function SafeDivide(ByVal Numerator, ByVal Denominator)
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.IsNumeric(Numerator) And Microsoft.VisualBasic.IsNumeric(Denominator) Then
If Denominator = 0 Then
SafeDivide = 0
Else: SafeDivide = Numerator/Denominator
End If
SafeDivide = "N/A"
End If
End Function
write the code function Name in required field like
Now if you see the result, You will get exact result. Problem Solved!!!!!!!!
Use this custom code when you perform division of 2 numbers. This is essential as when you to try to divide 2 numbers & if the denominator is 0, during run-time the textbox will show error. Below is the code that you can use for eliminating this :
Custom Code:
Public Function SafeDivide(ByVal Numerator, ByVal Denominator)
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.IsNumeric(Numerator) And Microsoft.VisualBasic.IsNumeric(Denominator) Then
If Denominator = 0 Then
SafeDivide = 0
Else: SafeDivide = Numerator/Denominator
End If
SafeDivide = "N/A"
End If
End Function
write the code function Name in required field like
Now if you see the result, You will get exact result. Problem Solved!!!!!!!!
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